

Tuesday morning I woke to the smell of empty chardonnay glasses and the sight of big dipper tilted vertically. It wasn't Tuesday morning at all, it was really some time between here and there, it just felt as Tuesday morning. I slipped my satin eye cover down and fell back asleep. I arrived in Brisbane at six am, my bum was so numb I checked my pants three times to assure they hadn't slid down. While my body was tired, I felt so relieved waiting in line to have my passport stamped, after making the pass through customs I threw my bags on a trolly I left for the greeting area. Josh wasn't there when I came out, my flight had arrived earlier than expected, so I texted him and told him I'd be by "the coffee club" a few moments later he stepped through the large glasss doors, I literally leaped and ran towards him and buried my face Into his chest! Maybe shed a tear or two...maybe. That initial greeting is so strange, sometimes you forget how this person you spend so many hours with from afar is a real person, not just a voice or a moving picture on a screen. We kissed and grinned. The forty-eight  hours since have been nothing but a wonderful blur. I love this country. I crave this slow living, the smell of the bread, the way the humid breeze feels on my skin, the squeaks of the parrots, the early sunrises and sunsets, the kangaroos outside my bedroom window, everything is bliss.

*My lovie went through the temple last night, what a beaming person I saw when he came out those doors. I cant wait to marry him in this temple someday!

With love, Lacey


Anonymous said...

I love you. :) - your best friend

Anonymous said...

I just shed a tear reading your post!!!!