I am Lacey Jean. I'm inspired by my favourite words ever written.
(props to my friends at the buried life)
Born a child of the 90's. I've been trying to recover ever since Fresh Prince stop airing. My dear old dad was a photographer by profession. One of my first memories is Robert Redford cooing over me. I have a downs syndrome brother who is two years younger than me. He's taught me patience, and has cured my embaressement gene. Like a lot of girls, I spent ages 9-16 feeling as if I would never truly fit in. I turned to day dreaming. Somewhere along the way, I woke up and I was living some of those dreams. I stumbled deeply in love with an Australian named Josh when I was 19 & living overseas. He has bright blue eyes and a gorgeous accent that makes him hard to disagree with. I believe in the power of "yes!" I believe in the power of love and the power of forgiveness. I want to be a vagabond, a nomad, a traveler. I don't want to be from here I want to be from everywhere. I'm a Mormon. Some of the best days of my life have been spent in cities I don't know with people I'll never see again. My number is 12, my lover and I were both born on the twelfth day of the month. I've been doing the impossible, long distance, since September 25, 2011. And someday, this love story will reach a new chapter and It will read: